We are delighted to announce openings for volunteers at the Noosa Festival of Surfing.
Here is the application form and all you need to know for 2025!
"*" indicates required fields
Volunteer FAQ
Make sure you read all the relevant information and make sure that you have checked your calendar and that you are available.
Priority is given to volunteers with maximum availability.
STUDENTS please check your study commitments for this period – we get a number of people drop out in the weeks and days leading up to the event as they have “unexpected” study commitments.
What’s involved?
Priority will be given to volunteers who can commit to 4 x 6-hour shifts (24 hours). If you are only available on specific dates, we still want to hear from you.
By completing the application form, you agree to commit to your allocated roster and role duties. If you cannot commit to the days indicated in your application, please do not apply.
Once your volunteer application is successful, you will need to attend (if possible) a Volunteer Induction in the days prior to the Festival at the Noosa Info Centre, Noosa Heads from 5:30pm-7:30pm, where our team will introduce themselves and present the festival, which can be useful if you’re new to the event. Snacks and drinks provided! We look forward to seeing you there!
You may also be asked to attend additional training specific to your role, if required by the Event Supervisor.
Volunteer Benefits
As a NFOS Volunteer, you will get to meet hundreds of surfing icons and passionate surfers, including Festival stakeholders, competitors, creatives and just the most exciting people in the field. We can’t guarantee you’ll meet your idol, but you’ll be in a prime spot to immerse yourself in the world of professional surfing.
If you show up and fulfil the terms of your volunteer agreement, your efforts will NOT go unnoticed – the rewards are bountiful!
- An official limited-edition Noosa Festival of Surfing Volunteer t-shirt.
- Discounted tickets to various events held during the festival.
- Snacks and refreshments during shifts.
- The occasional freebie if you’re a legend!
- Discounted accommodation options.
- A certificate of appreciation for your efforts can be issued on request.
- The warm and fuzzy feeling of knowing you have been a part of something spectacular!
How many Volunteers are needed?
There are many volunteer opportunities available and each and every one of those roles helps us to run things smoothly and provide an unforgivable experience to patrons and competitors. Last year we had 40+ volunteers assist us over the 2+ weeks – from site build to pack down.
It is important that you fill out your application truthfully and commit to your availability stated so that we can all have a positive experience. We are happy to provide you with a certificate of appreciation / letter of reference at the end of the event, should the experience proves positive for both parties 🙂
Preference will be given to previous volunteers who have proven their value at past festivals. New comers are also very welcome to join and those with the most flexibility in terms of dates and tasks will get the best chance to be rostered.
Any applications that are not successful initially will be placed in a waiting list for opportunities that may arise closer to the event.
We welcome any applications, however please bear in mind that should you cancel your participation at the last minute, the hard work put into creating rosters will be impacted, as well as other volunteers. Therefore we do ask that if you apply, you are committing to your application terms. Thanks in advance.
Some of the roles available to volunteers include;
- Set-up and pack down (before and after the event)
- Beach Bar support located on Noosa main beach
- Operation Assistants on event days
- Sustainability / Waste Warriors
- Hospitality / Runners
- Registration Clerks
- Beach Marshalls
- Merchandise stall assistants
- Photography / Media
- AND MUCH MORE! (read below for descriptions)
How to Apply?
Applications are open!
Each team within the festival has a number of volunteer positions available. We suggest you read all the Team and Position Descriptions prior to starting the application form. Please take note of the ‘Availability’ requirements and ensure that you can meet these and all the ‘Must Haves’ for your preferred position before applying, this will greatly increase your chances of being accepted into your chosen team!
We encourage people to try new things and learn new skills however some positions may require specific skills and experience.
If you have any questions about a specific role do not hesitate to contact us and put “Volunteer Question” in the subject heading and our Vollie’s Manager will get back to you.
Please ensure you complete all sections of the application form – as we get an overwhelming number of applications, this will save time in the future!
How to Stand Out
If you want to stand out above the rest be sure to note the following where it applies;
- If you are willing to be assigned to any task
- If you are available at any/all hours during the weekend
- If you are available pre & post festival
- If you don’t mind early / late shifts
- If you are interested in doing more than the minimum required number of shifts
- If you have special skills or experience that will be useful in any of the roles
Think about your interests and what you are good at – but leave your options open, as there are lots of positions to be filled over the festival period
If I applied, what happens next?
We will go through each application as they arrive and do our best to let you know, as soon as possible, whether you have made the team or not. Please only fill out one application form and bear with us while we process applications and allocate roles. You will be advised of your team and roster once most applications are received and processed.
If you are selected to join our amazing team you will have a couple of weeks to clarify any necessary information and make updates to your availability.
While we understand that sometimes life gets in the way of good things and from time to time people need to withdraw their application, please only apply once you are certain you can commit to the dates stated in your application, and notify us as early as possible if your circumstances change. We cannot stress enough how tricky it is to organise all our volunteers and every change has a domino effect on the whole operation.
Important Dates
December 18th, 2025: Applications Open
Late February 2025: Email Volunteer Team Allocations
March 13th, 2025: Volunteer Induction – Noosa Info Centre @ approx 5:30pm
Roles and Brief Descriptions:
Beach Bar Staff (RSA required)
The bar gets really busy, especially in the evenings, and extra help is needed in various ways. Our bar volunteers will assist our bar staff with various tasks from picking up glasses to restocking fridges and generally ensure that bar operations run smoothly. If you are the right person for the role, the perks are awesome. Bar / waiting experience a plus! A bar on the beach in Noosa, c’mon!!!
Beach Safety and Marshaling
Help out the competitors get ready for their heats and make sure that boards have the correct specs for their division.
Bump In / Bump Out
Work out and help out the Festival Management team by helping with Bump In and Bump Out before and after the event (bump in happens for 2 days prior to the event and bump out happens the day after the event conclusion).
Hospitality / Runners
There are many people competing, working and visiting the Festival and it’s important to keep our team cared for. If you love helping in various ways, serving, and caring for others this is the role for you.
Merchandise and Registration
We will have a joint Merchandise and Registration Booth at First Point and we need people that love customer service and sales to help competitors register for their events and receive their competitor bag and sell Noosa Festival of Surfing Merchandise.
Event Operations / Traffic
Holding a large event requires infrastructure to be brought in and stored on-site. Thus, we need to block off certain areas to fulfilling necessary tasks. People often listen to people more than signs, so we need Volunteers to help with directing people to right place and managing traffic in our car parks. Must have great customer service skills!
Waste Warriors / Sustainability
The NFOS is committed to its Sustainability Policy and reducing the environmental impact of this festival on Main Beach and surrounding coastline and for its local residents, flora and fauna. This Festival is aiming towards being Plastic Free and is committed to not using any single-use plastic. What does that mean? It means, within our scope, we will not be producing any plastic rubbish and if we do receive plastic from outside, we will ensure it is segregated, controlled, and either sent for recycling or landfill. We will promote reusable and compostable containers and enthusiastically educate our Festival goers to do the same.
Other Questions
Please Contact Us